Turin, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map of Turin can help you determine the area's population and satets. Detailed information on the city can help you make the most of your local advertising budget. The population of Turin is divided into eight boroughs called circoscrizioni, which do not correspond to historical districts. In the first century, there were 10 boroughs, but only eight are still in use today. The mayor of Turin is directly elected every five years. Stefano Lo Russo is currently the mayor.

The ruins of an ancient Roman-medieval structure, the Palatine Towers, can be viewed in the center of town. The towers once served as gates leading to the cardo maximus, which is the second main street in a Roman town. They are among the best preserved Roman remains in northern Italy. The city's largest open market, the mercato di Porta Palazzo, is located in the central Piazza della Repubblica.

The most popular neighborhood in Turin is San Giovanni Rotondo, which is the most populated area of the city. Via San Secondo, the main thoroughfare, is the heart of the district and connects the other boroughs. In this neighbourhood, you'll find the headquarters of a major Italian private bank, the Intesa Sanpaolo. The area is also home to the iconic Casa della Vittoria, a 350-meter high building with a distinctive grid plan.

The population of Turin City is overwhelmingly Italian. Over 22% of residents are over 65 years old. The remaining population is comprised of people between the ages of 20 and 60. Interestingly, almost one-third of the population consists of foreigners, primarily from Romania, Moldova, and Albania. Similarly, the percentage of people of Asian and Middle Eastern descent is large. These two groups make up the largest portion of the population.