Talmo, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below is the population and steets for Talmo City, Georgia. Talmo City is an older town of about 2,800 people located in the southern portion of the state. It was incorporated on August 9, 1920, but the population decreased quickly. The town was served by the Gainesville-Midland Railroad until 1959, when it was acquired by the Seaboard Air Line Railroad and ceased operations in Talmo City.

Crime rates in Talmo vary widely depending on where you live. A crime rate in the northwest is one in thirty-nine. This contrasts dramatically with a crime rate of one crime per block in southwest Talmo. While comparing crime rates may be difficult, a simple crime map shows that there are more crimes in northeastern areas of Talmo than in southwest neighborhoods. The same is true for property crimes.

When moving to Talmo City, consider your budget and lifestyle. The cost of living, community, job opportunities, and climate are all important factors to consider. You may want to consider using Dwellics, which provides detailed data on over 50,000 US cities. These data will help you make an informed decision on the location you will call home. If you're planning to move to Talmo, Georgia, be sure to look into the population and steets in the city before making the final decision.

The USPS does not provide detailed information on Talmo until the 1920 census. Census data from that time period does not reflect the town's population, but the town's district. This district was similar to an electoral ward, and the population in 1920 was around nine hundred and twenty-one people. By the way, the town had a school and library, but no municipal government. So, the town's population has changed since then.