Rentz, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Rentzi City, California is the following information. The population of Rentz is 286 people. The average commute time is 26.4 minutes, while the median home value is $121,500. Over the last ten years, home values have appreciated by 9.9%. The crime rate is low in Rentz, compared to many other cities in California. For more information on the area, read the following articles.

The population of Rentz is currently 308, down from 364 in 1990. The city's employment growth is 2.99%, from 67 to 69 people. The primary employment sectors in Rentz are Education, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Manufacturing, although some people may work in other fields. The data from Census are tagged to residential addresses, so you can easily find out how many people live in Rentz.

The first two years of Rentz were plagued by fire. The rentz Trading Company, Davidson & Grinstead, and Rentz Pharmacy burned down. In addition, the town lost the $5000 store owned by J.M. Outler. In 1907, the town's population was 190. A new post office and city hall were built. By 1914, the town was thriving, but fires did not stop the town from rebuilding.

The Rentz population is ethnically diverse. Residents identify as belonging to a wide range of racial groups, with the largest majority identifying themselves as White or African-American. Important ancestry groups include Irish, German, Yugoslavian, and Other West Indian. English is the primary language spoken in Rentz, while African languages are also spoken in the town. The city is part of Laurens County.