Mcdonough, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the population and steets in Mcdonough City, Georgia. You can use them to find local attractions, restaurants, and hotels. The street map of Mcdonough shows the city's major landmarks. East Point and Forrest Park, Georgia, are two cities near McDonough. Both cities are 28 miles away. Find out what's in each area.

The median gross monthly rent in McDonough is $1,137. 93.1% of households in Mcdonough have active broadband internet connections. About 24k people live in McDonough. In 2018, the per capita income was $27,176, which was middle-class compared to the rest of Georgia and the country. In contrast, the median family income in McDonough was $108,704 in 2018. This means that McDonough is home to a mix of the rich and poor.

The racial makeup of the city's wards varies. In 1969, there were no black candidates for School Committee. Only 28 percent of eligible residents voted. In Wards 8 and 14, racial balance was highest. However, the population of blacks was lower in Wards 9 and 12.