Harlem, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know how many people live in Harlem City, New York? If so, you've come to the right place. The census data for Harlem is updated annually, and it is the most complete list of statistics available. However, the statistics may be outdated. To see a more accurate picture of the population in Harlem, you need to know more about this neighborhood than the census data.

The population of Harlem City is distributed across Community District 10, which includes the Central neighborhood. Community District 10 has a median life expectancy of 76.2 years, which is slightly less than the city-wide average of 81.2 years. The majority of residents in Harlem City are young people and middle-aged adults. Twenty-one percent of the city's population is under the age of seven, while 35% are between 25-44 years old and 24% are between 45-64 years old. This is not an uncommon ratio in the neighborhood, with older residents occupying a much smaller proportion of the total.

The population of Harlem City has been constantly changing. In the year 1910, blacks made up 10% of the city's population, but by 1930, they had become the majority. Between 1910 and 1930, the Great Migration of African Americans from the South to northern cities pushed blacks into central Harlem. This influx also benefited Harlem. By 1950, the black population in Harlem peaked at seventy percent.