Cisco, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you look at the population and steets of a city, you'll find that the demographics are quite diverse. As a matter of fact, Cisco has a largely white population with a minority of black residents. It's estimated that approximately one-third of the population is never married. Despite the diversity of the population, Cisco still has a low black population, which is about one-sixth of the total.

Despite the low percentage of Hispanic citizens, the majority of the city's residents are U.S. citizens. The median household income is $45,036 - significantly higher than the national average. The median home value in Cisco, TX is $165,780. Cisco has a low unemployment rate of 1.86%. Most residents are employed, with approximately 79% of the population being employed in a non-farm job.

In terms of ages, the median age in Cisco is 36.8, and there are approximately 3,899 residents in Cisco. The city's economy is dominated by the Transportation & Warehousing, Professional, Scientific, and Management Services, and Administrative & Waste Management Services sectors. The median household income in Cisco, TX is $39,668, making it lower than the national average.

The median household income in Cisco City was $17,880. One out of every five residents lived in a household that fell below the federal poverty line. The median age was 38.8% of households were married couples, with the remaining 35.1% of households were unrelated. One in eight households was headed by a senior citizen, while one in every three people was headed by a child. If you're curious about the median income in Cisco City, be sure to look up the local Appraisal District and check out the population data.