Cadwell, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Cadwell City has an average population of 67,466? This number includes residents of all ages and races. There are several interesting facts about this city, including its population. Read on to learn more about this area of Louisiana. In Cadwell City, there are some great historical landmarks, too. Read on to learn about Cadwell's population and steets.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 136 households with children under 18 living with them. Forty-one percent of households were headed by married couples, while 16.9% were headed by a woman without her husband. The rest were made up of single individuals. Senior citizens made up 14.7% of the population. The average household size in Cadwell is two people. The median age is 43.

In a previous meeting, Commr. Cadwell called for a ten-minute recess for Public Works. Public Works staff were present to discuss the Capital Improvement Plan. Commr. Cadwell announced a ten-minute recess. After that, he reconvened the meeting to discuss the Capital Improvement Program. At that meeting, he invited Public Works personnel and residents to give their input on the plan.

Last week, Commr. Cadwell and Judge Don Briggs met to discuss the issue of the Pod E jail expansion. They agreed that it would be necessary to meet with both parties again before final approval. However, Commr. Hanson felt there was a good opportunity to form partnerships with Leesburg and the Trust for Public Lands. Meanwhile, Commr. Cadwell supports buying the property, but wants to wait until public opinion is known.