West Miami, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of West Miami City is 6,132. The population of the city is based on the latest US Census estimates. According to GeoNames, this city's population is 84% Hispanic. This is higher than the national average of around 50 percent. However, the city is still growing. The population of West Miami is growing, and this is evident from the increased rate of new homes being constructed.

The 2010 census shows there are 2180 households in West Miami. Of these, 4.4% are empty. Twenty-four percent are married couples, and 54.4% have children under the age of 18. Another 17.3% of households are non-families. The remaining 18.3% of households are single, while 10.7% have senior citizens. The average household size was 2.80 people, and the median family size is 3.14.

When the city was founded, the native Tequesta tribe inhabited the area. In the early years, it was known as Biscayne Bay Country, and was considered one of the finest building sites in Florida. The Great Freeze of 1894-1895 accelerated Miami's growth, and Tuttle convinced Henry Flagler to build his Florida East Coast Railroad here. The city's growth would only continue, and its future looks bright.

The quality of life in West Miami City is exemplary. The city is known for its clean air, and its residents enjoy high quality of life and good access to quality education and services. The city is home to numerous businesses and a strong business community. Fortunately, there are no major health risks for residents living here, despite its high cost of living. If you're interested in learning more about West Miami City's quality of life, make sure to check out its population and steets.