Sunny Hills, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Sunny Hills is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country, with a median household income that is 1.8% higher than the national average. The real estate in Sunny Hills is well-maintained and tends to hold its value over time. Residents tend to drive luxury brands of cars and send their kids to private preparatory schools. They enjoy vacations to Disney World and Europe.

The majority of Sunny Hills' residents own cars, and most own two or more. These vehicles are useful for getting to and from work, as well as shopping. But this does not mean that every Sunny Hills household owns a car. In fact, some Sunny Hills households own four or five cars, which is more than ninety-seven percent of American households.

Residents of Sunny Hills City are highly ethnically diverse. The most common ethnicity is Asian, but there are also some European, Italian, and Korean residents. Thirty-two percent of the neighborhood's population was born outside the United States. In addition to English, the neighborhood has several other important languages, including Tagalog, Chinese, and Korean.

The new Sunny Hills youth program is a great way to engage community members in the prevention of gang violence. The new presentation program has received great feedback from past participants, and the presenter's credentials and experience in working with the community have made this presentation a hit.