Santa Rosa Beach, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the population of Santa Rosa Beach City, Florida, then you have come to the right place. The data provided in this article provides detailed information about the city's people. You can view the map below to learn more about the city's ethnicity and racial makeup. You can also explore the data on Santa Rosa's diversity scores and how many people belong to a specific race.

The median income in Santa Rosa Beach City was $57703 in 2013, and the county had a median household income of $57703. The area offers a variety of housing options, ranging from waterfront properties to secluded residential areas. If you are considering moving to Santa Rosa Beach, consider finding a rental property or buying a home. You'll be able to find everything you need for your vacation.

In addition to beachfront properties, Santa Rosa Beach also has a beautiful boardwalk, which is lined with open-air bars. Located on the Santa Rosa Sound, it features shops, restaurants, and piers with shallow water for families. In addition, there are several golf courses within the city, including a club called "The Points" in Santa Rosa Beach. A community like this has plenty of recreation options.

The population of Santa Rosa Beach City is highly educated, with 71% of adults describing themselves as White or Hispanic. The city has a high percentage of college graduates, and residents are more likely to work in technical fields and professional jobs. However, the city's diversity is reflected in its high school graduation rate. So, even if you're looking for a career change, Santa Rosa Beach City is a great place to start.