Riviera Beach, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are a few ways to determine the Population & Steets in Riviera-Beach City, Florida. The city is home to nearly 900,000 people, and the median age is 36. While the national average is 93.4%, Riviera Beach, FL residents are older. While this percentage is lower than the national average, it is higher than the average for its parent and neighboring geographies. If you want to know the real demographics of Riviera-Beach, FL, please read on.

The population of Riviera-Beach is quite diverse, with many kinds of tropical plants and trees. The waterfront marketplace is the hub of activity, and the Port of Palm Beach is located right in Riviera-Beach. The Bahamas Celebration cruise ship departs from here about every other week. If you are looking for a place to retire, Riviera-Beach is the perfect place for you! There are many places to stay in Riviera Beach, FL, including the beach.

The median property value in Riviera Beach, FL was $189,500 in 2019. This is slightly lower than the national average. In the same year, 53.1% of the housing units in Riviera Beach, FL were owned by their owners. This is a decrease from the previous year, when 53.8% of homes were owned by their owners. The national average is 64.1%. The chart below shows the ownership rate in Riviera Beach, FL, as compared to neighboring geographies.