Riverview, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The City Of Riverview is located in the state of Michigan. It is a county subdivision, with the C5 Census Class Code. Its population is around 2,000. Residents of Riverview have access to a number of services, including its town hall, city address, and bus schedules. Interested in learning more about this small town? Read this article. It contains information about the people, history, and population of Riverview City.

The demographics of Riverview include a look at its native and foreign-born populations. Compared to other cities and towns in the Detroit metropolitan area, Riverview has a small Native population. Despite this, the city still has a relatively high percentage of foreign-born residents. Native people make up about 3.1% of the population of this city. The city's foreign-born population is 6.9%.

The majority of residents commute by car. More than three-fourths of residents ride a car to work. About 5% walk to work, and only 75 people use the public transportation system. These statistics are based on the 2020 American Community Survey. Data are subject to change without notice. However, the information is a good start. If you're looking for a general demographic breakdown of the city, see the table below.

The population of the city is very similar to that of other cities in the metro area. The percentage of singles living in Riverview is higher than the percentage of single people in the entire state of Michigan. Only Gibraltar and Ann Arbor have a higher single-person population. If you're interested in a closer look at demographics, the City of Riverview's average age is around thirty-three years old.