Olustee, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to learn more about the population and steets of Olustee City? You can start by checking out the map below. You can zoom and pan around the map to see if you can find the exact location. Then, read on to learn more about the basic information of the city. There are several links below that will show you more information about Olustee City.

In terms of employment, Olustee is home to approximately 270 residents. The top paying industries are Public Administration, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade. Although some people in Olustee City work outside the city limits, these industries pay the highest wages. Olustee's median annual income is $48,182, a bit below the national average of $65,712 - but it represents a 5.13% increase over the last year.

The percentage of the population that is poor in Olustee is low. Twenty-nine percent of the city's people are low-income earners. This makes Olustee City, OK a city where the average income is just below the poverty line. The median household income is about $32,222, which makes Olustee City, OK a middle-class town.

Olustee City's median property value is $67,100. This is 0.279 times smaller than the national average, and it's the second-largest city in the Oklahoma county. Olustee residents own a home in a greater than sixty-five percent of households. A full three-quarters of households are in a family plan, while the rest are non-family households. One-fifth of residents lives alone, but they are not unlucky.