Ocoee, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Ocoee City is comprised of both a majority of black residents and a large minority of Hispanic residents. The majority of residents commute by car, bus, or bicycle to work. Below you will find a summary of the demographics of Ocoee City. The following information is gathered from the 2020 American Community Survey. These statistics are provided for informational purposes only and are not necessarily definitive.

The population of Ocoee is approximately thirty-six thousand people. It is located in Orange County, Florida. The city has experienced rapid growth in recent years, with its population rising by 22 percent between 2010 and 2015. It is a fast-growing city with a thriving downtown and a $172 million lakeside development. The City has many amenities and is known for its low crime rate.

The population of Ocoee was 31,544 in the 2010 census. The majority of residents were white with about fourteen percent of African-Americans. A minority of white residents, however, accounted for one-sixth of the population. Ocoee has a high rate of Hispanics, accounting for 19.5% of the city's population. According to Julia Enamorado, owner of The Ocoee Taco Co. Mexican restaurant near downtown, she is excited about the growing diversity of her city.

The town's racial composition is indicative of its history. One third of the population was black in 1920, when the area became part of the Central Florida sharecropping industry. After the segregation of black sharecroppers, these newcomers were determined to establish a more equitable economic future for themselves and their families. In fact, Ocoee was branded as a "Sundown Town," because no Black people were allowed to work after dark.