Molino, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Molino City, Texas? This question is frequently asked by newcomers to the area, and the answer may surprise you. In this article, we will explore the population and steets of Molino. You will also learn about crime rates in Molino, and you will get an idea of how safe the area is. Before we get started, let's review some key facts about the city.

Molino is a census-designated place in the U.S. state of Florida. The population is mostly white, with a small number of black residents. The median household income is $37,981. There are a few vacancies, but the overall population of Molino is a little less than the national average. However, the area is home to many diverse families, and the local economy is vibrant.

When searching for flights, make sure to search for cities within 45 miles of Molino. These cities are often near major airports, and may be more convenient if you're transferring from another city. If you don't find a flight that leaves from Molino, FL, you can try searching for cities within 4 hours or less. There are a variety of ways to get around Molino City, FL, so start your search today!