Frostproof, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and Steets in Frostproof City, Florida: What's the demographic makeup of Frostproof City? The data below shows the percentages of married couples and families in the city. Frostproof has less than half the number of married couples as the neighboring city of Hillcrest Heights. However, Frostproof's percentage of single people is still lower than that of the U.S. average.

The average family size in Frostproof is 3.2 people. This makes it the second smallest city in the entire metro area, right behind Alturas CDP. The median age in Frostproof is twenty-two. The median household income is $29,600. Overall, the city is highly democratic, with rich citrus landowners versus poor pickers and truck farmers. This means that the town is both very rich and very poor, despite the presence of the renowned comic book writer Ben Hill Griffin Jr. He used to tool around town in his Jeep Cherokee and sent his kids through the local public schools.

Despite the large number of residents, the quality of life in Frostproof varies by neighborhood. For instance, while some residents prefer a small town or city with plenty of open space, others prefer an urban setting with less traffic.