Eloise, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Eloise is a small town in the Rhone-Alpes region of France. Its INSEE code is 74109. The city's population is estimated to be about 7,000. The city was once like a small city, with 76 buildings spread across 900 acres.

In 2010, the population of Eloise was 833 people, an increase of 185.3 percent from the year before. The population density in Eloise was about 33 per square kilometer in 1962, and it rose to 93 inhabitants per square kilometer by 2015. The town's total budget in 2009 was around 13 million Euros, and it had 419 taxable and tax households. Its median tax income was 2,157 Euros per month.

Before the city had a hospital, it was known as the Wayne County Poorhouse. Later, it became the state's largest psychiatric hospital. In the 1920s, it was home to tens of thousands of patients. It also housed about 2,000 employees. But the hospital's days are over. The city's former hospital complex is now a small strip mall and condominiums. Today, the hospital's grounds include the "D" Building, which was used for psychiatric admissions. Until 2016, it also served as living quarters for some employees. Until the late 2000s, the Kay Beard Building was home to the Wayne County administration. As of 2016, the building was now being used as a family homeless shelter.

The Eloise City complex has been the site of numerous paranormal investigations. In one recent investigation, a group of paranormal investigators claimed to hear a female spirit wearing white. They also heard screams and moans, and said that they believed that the sounds were the spirits of the former patients.