Chuluota, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in knowing the population and steets of Chuluota City, you've come to the right place. Below, you'll find the latest information about the city's population and demographics. This data was gathered from the US Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey. Please note that while we attempt to make these figures as accurate as possible, we cannot guarantee their accuracy.

CHULUOTA is a city in Florida with a ZIP code of 32766. Basic information about the city can be found below, such as a ZIP code list, ZIP+4 code list, and interactive map. To see where Chuluota is located, you can start by exploring its basic information, which includes its population, steets, and ZIP code. If you're not familiar with the city's ZIP code, just click on the link to the right to learn more.

The median age of the residents of Chuluota City is 33.8. They are mostly white (Non-Hispanic) and white (Hispanic). The other group includes Asians, Two+, and 1.14%. The majority of Chuluota residents speak English as their primary language. The average household income is $78,158. In Chuluota, FL, the median household income is $78,158.

As with any community, Chuluota is a mix of modern and rural living. It struggles to maintain its rural character while providing a relaxed quality of life. Despite its rapid growth, it still offers residents a casual atmosphere that's conducive to enjoying life in a small town. Despite its growing population, Chuluota maintains a rural character and is committed to balancing development with a relaxed lifestyle.