Chipley, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the census of 2010, the population of Chipley City was 3,685. There are approximately 868 people per square mile. The median age of Chipley's residents is 38.6, which is higher than the national average of 37.4 years. The average household size is 2.6, which is also higher than the national average of 2.5. This gives the city a mix of races that may be considered diverse, though it is not a census-designated minority.

The median income of households in Chipley is $32,155. The county-wide median income is $38,950. The CRA plan aims to improve the economic and housing situation of residents and businesses. The CRA's vision calls for a more diverse housing stock and higher-density downtown. However, while a diverse housing stock is important, it must not be the city's only goal.

South Third Street is an area of Chipley that was developed around the turn of the twentieth century. This neighborhood consisted of homes for prominent Chipley citizens. These homes were built only a decade after the town was founded. Many of these houses are still being occupied by descendants. These residences were not particularly grand, but were substantial and reflected the importance of their owners to the community. The latest house in Chipley was built in C1938.

While the city is currently under construction, it has begun to look at redevelopment options. Its Millennium Mural Project was funded by an Endowment of the Arts grant. The result is 16 large murals painted by professional muralists throughout the city. They have helped to improve the city's tourism industry. In addition, the Chipley CRA steering committee created redevelopment plans for each subarea and a unified signage system for the city. Additionally, the Overlay District has been established to set standards for architectural design, landscaping, and other elements.