Danbury, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You are about to discover some information regarding the Population & Steets of Danbury City, CT. These stats are derived from the most recent American Community Survey and are tagged to residential addresses. Although these stats are updated annually, you can't always rely on them for accuracy. The population data presented here is only an overview of the city's residents. We recommend consulting the city's official website for updated information.

This city is located in the southwest corner of Connecticut, outside the greater metropolitan area. Its population is over eighty thousand people, making it one of the largest cities in the state. The Danbury map shows the exact scheme of streets, major sites, and natural landmarks. Zoom in and out by using the plus/minus panel. To move the map, drag the center to move it. You can also find videos and information about Danbury and its residents.

There are few commercial areas outside the city's downtown. The majority of properties are owner-occupied, though there are many apartments and multifamily units for rent. There are also two major highways in Danbury, U.S. 7 in the north, and Route 202 in the south. Danbury is also served by the Metro North train, which runs between South Norwalk and New York City. In addition to its parks, Danbury has the Danbury Ice Arena, the famous Marian Anderson studio, and other cultural sites.

Education is an important part of Danbury life. There are numerous schools in the city, and the Danbury School District is one of them. A high school sports team is named the Hatters and is the home of the Danbury College. Danbury is a small town in Connecticut, with the population of just over a half million. Its residents are diverse, and the community's schools are highly regarded.