Padroni, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Padroni City? The city of Padroni has a population of 87 people. The average commute time is 26.4 minutes, and the median home value is $200,600. The city has experienced an 8.5% appreciation over the past ten years, which is higher than the state average. There are also crime and cost of living statistics. Find out how Padroni fares compared to other cities in France.

There are two ways to analyze the racial makeup of a city. One is by looking at the census data. Padroni, CO has a low racial diversity score (0.42%), but a high proportion of white residents. This indicates that Padroni is largely white. In contrast, about 8% of the population is black or Latino, which means that the community has a very high minority population.

Another important statistic to consider is the education level of the people living in the area. Compared to the rest of Colorado, Padroni City has a lower percentage of college graduates than other cities. Its foreign-born population is also lower than the state average, and there are only two airmen and one pilot in the city. However, the overall median age of residents is significantly higher than the national average, and is well below the state average.

Padroni, CO has a median age of 58.4. The median household income is $38,438. The city has a population composition of 58% White (non-Hispanic) and 5% Black or African-Americans. Only 10% of the population has advanced degrees. There are several other ethnic groups that live in Padroni. For instance, 5% of people in Padroni, CO are Hispanic.