Northglenn, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking to get a better understanding of the population and steets of Northglenn City? The state of Colorado has some great resources to help you learn more about the area. You can find out how many people live in Northglenn City by checking out their city profile. By clicking on the information you're interested in, you'll be able to see the demographics of this area.

As for the area's family size, the average family size is 3.6. Northglenn has a family size of 67%, which is higher than the surrounding CDP, Shaw Heights. The area is mostly made up of married couples, with 33.8% of households having children under 18. There were also 15.2% of single-person households and 6.3% of those who were 65 years or older.

While the state of Colorado has an overall non-citizen population of 9.5%, Northglenn is slightly higher, with 14.7% of its citizens not identifying as citizens. In addition, the city is organized into two age groups: non-citizens under age 18 and those over eighteen. While Northglenn is home to a small minority of non-citizen residents, it is still home to some talented individuals.

Another factor to consider is the neighborhood. If you're looking for a house, don't buy it in a neighborhood where every house is identical. You should also consider parking spaces, as they may be full. You can also check out how well maintained the area is. If you're looking for a house with a garage, make sure to ask the neighbors if they have enough space for parking.