Grand Junction, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Grand Junction, Colorado, is located in the state of Colorado. The Colorado River, once known as the Grand, was renamed in 1921. The town is located near the midpoint of a thirty-mile valley that has been inhabited by indigenous tribes and the Ute people for centuries. European-American farmers first settled in the area in the 1880s. The city has been a leading fruit-growing region since then, and today, several wineries have been established in the area.

The Grand Junction population has increased by 46.6% since 2000. That's moderate growth, but slower than the average growth of 76% of similar sized cities. The city has a population density of 1,532.4 people per square mile. There are 47,988 registered voters in Grand Junction, with a fifty-eight percent male and fifty-one percent female. One-fifth of the population is 65 and older.

In terms of economic status, Grand Junction residents earn an average of $33,152 per year. The median household income was $43,851 and the median family income was $31,685. In addition, 9.4% of households included a female householder without a husband. The median family size was 2.84, and the lowest wage earner was a senior citizen. There are many benefits available in Grand Junction, CO, and one can find a great deal of help to get around.

This study was conducted to determine whether Grand Junction, Colorado, is a future train station. The study did not focus on expanding parking areas in the train stations, but rather on future train service and the impact it would have on the local economy. Ultimately, the study helped guide the MBTA in making decisions regarding rail service in Grand Junction. But what do the numbers mean for Grand Junction? And how does Grand Junction relate to other cities?