Capulin, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering moving to Capulin, CO, here are some details on the population and steets of the city. First, let's look at the racial makeup of the city. The Capulin city map below shows the racial make-up, with darker shades indicating a larger racial majority. Also included are data on racial diversity scores.

In general, Capulin has a low crime rate compared to other areas of the state and country, so you don't have to worry about safety while visiting or living here. As for the education, the city is consistently ranked highly by national and state surveys. The cost of housing, utilities, grocery items, transportation, and miscellaneous goods is all lower than in other parts of the state or country.

While crime rates are relatively low, crime in the city is not, unfortunately, as low as the state and national averages. However, be aware of the fact that crime tends to occur where people are. While there are a number of crime statistics to consider, Capulin is safe enough to recite the most important ones in a public setting. However, if you're considering moving to Capulin, be sure to check local crime statistics before making a final decision.

The Capulin, CO population is comprised of two racial groups - Hispanic and White - and two people from other races. In general, the city's median household income is N/A. The racial make-up is decreasing, but the percentage of non-Americans in the population is growing. For each racial category, there are two occupations in the city that make more than $65,000 a year.