Yountville, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the population of Yountville, California, then you have come to the right place. This city is only about 15.1% larger than the state of California's average. Its population is composed of both native and foreign-born individuals. Yountville is also known as the 'Little Napa' due to its proximity to San Francisco.

The three most common means of transportation used by Yountville, CA residents are automobiles, walking, and using public transportation. About 835 residents commute by car, while 202 people use public transportation or ride a trolley bus. Another 31 people use transit services to get to work. The map above shows the percentage of households that use the following transportation modes:

The Yountville, California population is divided into five different age groups: under twenty-four years old, twenty-five to forty-nine years old, and fifty-five-to-sixty-four-and-up. The area is home to a high proportion of retirees. The population is composed of many different ethnic groups, including racial, ethnic, and religious affiliation.

Yountville, California is a small city located 10 miles north of San Francisco. It is one of the cities that use the USPS city-name system. Each ZIP code has a default name, and Yountville is no exception. Its population is expected to grow by 2020. Yountville is a small city located in northern California. The best time to visit Yountville is during the months of June to August; the least comfortable month is January.