Wofford Heights, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table contains information on the Population & Steets in WoFford Heights City, Minnesota. You can use these numbers to compare different neighborhoods within Wofford Heights. Some neighborhoods are safer than others, while others have higher crime rates. Check out the crime maps to see which neighborhoods in Wofford Heights are safest for you. They are based on statistics, so you can be sure they are accurate.

The racial makeup of Wofford Heights is pretty diverse. The city's US Census data indicates that white people account for over 50% of all population, while blacks and Hispanics make up around 12% of the total population. While it's still relatively small, it's still a highly diverse city, with many different races living in close proximity to one another.

In 2019, the median property value in Wofford Heights, CA was $107,500. This is slightly lower than the national average. Additionally, 75.7% of residents in Wofford Heights own their homes. The median household income in Wofford Heights, CA was $30,718. The majority of people in Wofford Heights, CA commuted to work by car, with an average commute time of 20.1 minutes. Overall, there were 1.33 cars per household, which is below the national average.

The main employment industries in Wofford Heights, CA are sales & related, manufacturing, and healthcare. Those industries tend to pay the highest median incomes in Wofford Heights, CA. While this is not an exact number, these industries have the highest median earnings in Wofford Heights, CA. So, what is the average income per worker in Wofford Heights, CA? And what does this mean for you?