Westmorland, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You will find below some information about the population and steets of Westmorland City, California. You can use these details to determine your target audience. The population of Westmorland is predominantly white, with about 77.5% of residents being white, and just 1.6% black and Hispanic. The average household income is $36,096, and there are only four people per ten residents with a high school diploma.

Westmoreland was once a major railroad city, and it is the site of one of the country's smallest railroad tunnels. The city has an area of 3.8 square miles (9.8 km2) and is located on the southwestern portion of the island. At the 2020 census, there were 2,718 people living in Westmorland, consisting of 990 households and 646 families.

Crime statistics for Westmoreland City include the number of violent crimes per 1,000 people each year. These numbers may seem inflated, but the fact is that violent crime is lower in the southwest and northwest sections of the city than in other areas. Because so many crimes occur in public spaces such as retails and parks, these numbers may be inflated. However, this does not necessarily mean that the area is safe for residents.

As of the 2010 census, the population of Westmorland City was 16,018, with 8.3% of the people living below the age of 18 living in the town. Many of these people came from the eastern and Slavic regions of the world. Other ethnic groups were German, Irish, and other European immigrants. In addition, there were also a large number of African-Americans, primarily from the southern part of the United States.