West Hollywood, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in West Los Angeles County? The city of West Hollywood is a relatively small one, with a population of around 37,000. Its median age is over forty one and it ranks #6 in California in terms of age. The median household income is $51,349, with a median house or condominium property value of $60,900. The median age of residents is forty one, with about 40% of the population being gay. While there are no data for the sexual orientation of the female population, West Hollywood is generally known as a very gay-friendly city.

The City of West Hollywood has a C1 Census Class Code and does not serve as a county subdivision. Its Functional Status Code is "A," indicating that it is an active government that performs primary general-purpose functions. In California, the city is located in the Los Angeles County Census County Division (CCD), one of the 20 states that track the subdivisions of counties. The City of West Hollywood is part of Los Angeles CCD.

West Hollywood is one of the densest cities in the US, and is the fourth most dense in California. Its population density is nearly two thousand residents per square mile, making it the fourth densest city in the state. The highest density is found in Maywood, a community in Los Angeles County. West Hollywood is in the 99th percentile for population density in comparison to other California cities, with Santa Monica and Los Angeles at the 90th percentile.