Verdugo City, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Verdugo City neighborhood is comprised almost entirely of large apartment complexes. In fact, 69.7% of Verdugo City's residential real estate is classified as such. The neighborhood's population is diverse, with a higher percentage of residents of Armenian descent than 96.8% of the rest of America. Additionally, the neighborhood has a lower percentage of children living below the federal poverty line than most other California communities.

The city's population made up approximately 71,805 people in 2010. Of that total, 32.9% of households were headed by people under the age of eighteen. Another 11.8% of households had a female householder without a husband. And the rest were made up of individuals. Only 8.7% of households had a senior citizen living alone. The median age of the population was 38 years, with males outnumbering females by ninety-one-to-one.

Another neighborhood in Verdugo City is Glassell Park, named for the man who owned the land in 1907. He was born on a plantation in Virginia and his family dated back to the Revolutionary War. Most of the Glassell Park real estate in this area is small to medium-sized homes. However, a few small apartment buildings are located in this area as well. This neighborhood is home to many families and is one of the most affordable in Verdugo City.

The median income for this city is $36,906, compared to the rest of California and nearby ZIP codes. Although money doesn't buy happiness, living in the city of Verdugo City is not cheap. In fact, home values in the city range from the low-900s to the high-two-million-dollar range. If you're considering a move to Verdugo City, make sure you know the median home value in the city.