Twain Harte, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for a list of cities nearby Twain Harte, California? You may want to check out the median home values in the area, as well as the estimated mortgage rates. These figures are based on US Census and American Community Survey data. The cost of living in Twain Harte is lower than the national average, but some areas may be more expensive than others on a state or federal level. The overall cost of housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, and miscellaneous goods is lower than the national average.

The population of Twain Harte is approximately 36,000 people. This is higher than the population of most cities in the country. The city has a high quality of life, which many residents value highly. The cost of living and crime levels in Twain Harte are below average. The average income per capita is $64,200. However, there is no shortage of low-income people in the city.

Twain Harte's median age is 57 years old, making it a city filled with middle-aged adults looking forward to retirement. Its median family size is 2.5, including both parents and children. According to the Census Bureau, Twain Harte ranks 14681 nationally and 805 in the state in diversity. Its median household income is $45,642.