Tulelake, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Tulelake, California, the median property value is $79,100. This is 0.329 times smaller than the national average. In Tulelake, California, the homeownership rate is 54%, which is below the national average of 64.1%. Residents spend about 25 minutes commuting to work and own two cars, which is slightly below the national average of three cars per household.

The median age in Tulelake, CA is 29. Compared to the state of California and neighboring geographies, the median age is lower. Those living in Tulelake are mostly White, but Hispanic and Black residents also make up the majority of the population. This area has more people living in poverty than any other U.S. city, and the average income per person is $33,490.

The population of Tulelake, CA is diverse. The city is home to nearly 70% of Hispanic Americans, while the rest are White (Non-Hispanic) and 7.4% Native. In Tulelake, CA, the proportion of Native residents is the smallest of any U.S. city, with only 3.5% of Native people. Meanwhile, 62.8% of the population is Hispanic, making Tulelake a highly diverse city.

The Tulelake City population is 955 people, with an expected growth of 2.0% until 2020. The median home value is $82,300, which is above the national average. The city has five high paying industries: Total, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting, and Education. These industries employ the largest percentage of Tulelake residents. There are a wide variety of job opportunities in Tulelake, which makes it an excellent choice for a vacation destination.