Thousand Palms, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table presents the Population & Steets for Thousand Palms City, CA. This table is based on data from the United States Census Bureau. The population of Thousand Palms is largely comprised of white residents. There are also some Hispanic residents, which make up a relatively small proportion of the total population. The median age of people in Thousand Palms is 52 years old.

The population and steeps of a city is often an indicator of its neighborliness. The population of Thousand Palms is 74% owner-occupied, with an average household size of 2.6 people. However, the quality of life is highly subjective. Some people prefer the convenience and walkability of a big city, while others prefer peace and quiet, natural scenery, and the ability to commute easily to work and school.

Crime rates in Thousand Palms are higher than those of the surrounding areas. The area around major airports and schools has a higher crime rate than the rest of the city. Recreational areas are generally safe, but there are a few high-crime areas. Even if you do not live near any of these areas, crime can occur anywhere. This article provides the most up-to-date crime data for Thousand Palms.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 3,705 housing units in Thousand Palms City. These units are distributed into buckets by car ownership, with the largest number of households owning two cars. The largest percentage of households is false. In addition, 91.4% of the residents of Thousand Palms City have health insurance. Twenty-seven percent of these individuals have employer-sponsored health plans, and thirty-two percent are on Medicaid or Medicare. The remaining 10.4% of households have other insurance coverage, including non-group plans, and two percent have military or VA health insurance.