Tecopa, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Tecopa City, CA has a median annual income of $30,578, which is below the United States' median of $64,994. The median age of native-born residents in Tecopa is 67, while the median age of foreign-born residents is 81. The median age in Tecopa is lower than the median age in neighboring and parent geographies.

The median property value in Tecopa City was $104,200 in 2020, 0.453 times lower than the national average. The median property value increased from $61,500 to $104,200. The homeownership rate was 82.9%, which is above the national average of 64.4%. The median commute time in Tecopa City was 26.9 minutes, and the average number of cars per household was three.

Tecopa City has a population of 153. The median home value is $84,200, and the percentage of black and hispanic residents is lower than the state average. The median age is 27 years, and the median number of bedrooms per house is lower than the state average.

The median household income in Tecopa City was $33,173 in 2020, which was an 8.49% increase from the previous year. The median household income in Tecopa is $33,173, and 98.1% of residents are US citizens. The other 6.6% of residents are foreign born. Tecopa is home to the largest number of American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) residents, followed by Two+ and White (Non-Hispanic).