Swall Meadows, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Swall Meadows, California, the population is 220. The population density is 19.0 people per square mile, or 49.3 people per km2. The racial makeup of the city is composed of 201 White residents, 3 Native Americans, and 5 Asian citizens. Two people in Swall Meadows are of other racial or ethnic origin. Among the working-age population, 0 people are institutionalized and 6 are in management occupations.

Swall Meadows is a census-designated place in Mono County, California, located half-way between Mammoth Lakes and Bishop. The community is primarily made up of second homes, and has a volunteer fire department. It sits along the Sierra Crest part-way up Sherwin Grade, and offers spectacular views of the surrounding area. It is accessible via Lower Rock Creek Rd.

The population of Swall Meadows City is a blend of retirees and outdoor enthusiasts. The city was ravaged by the Round Fire on February 6, 2015. The fire destroyed 40 homes and one home in Paradise. But despite the devastating damage, many residents have returned to rebuild their homes and the city. Residents can use the CREST bus service between Reno, Nevada and Lancaster, California, which makes stops in the entire region.

The demographics of the city show that the majority of residents are white, with a relatively small minority of people of other races. The percentage of single people is higher than average, as are the numbers of middle-aged people and the elderly. The average household size is 2.24 people. There are 75 families in Swall Meadows City. Among these, one is an aircraft pilot and one other airman lives here.