Stinson Beach, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A short distance north of San Francisco is Stinson Beach. It is a popular day trip destination in northern California. The town is connected to Marin City by daily bus service. Hikers can reach the city's beach through the network of hiking trails that surround Mount Tamalpais. Unlike the neighboring Bolinas beach, Stinson is clean and sandy. It is also within easy reach of nearby cities such as Richmond, Novato, and Nicas.

The city is home to a diverse population. In fact, the city's median household income was $108,750 in 2018. In terms of racial and ethnic breakdown, Stinson Beach has six major racial groups: 582 Whites, 3 African Americans, 8 Native Americans, 14 Asians, 1 Pacific Islander, and nine people of other races. There were also no people living in institutional settings.

The overall number of homes for sale in Stinson Beach, CA is lower than a year ago and only 4 sold in the city this month. If you plan to move, make sure to consider other factors, such as proximity to electric charging stations. For example, if houses look similar, this could be an indication of bad property maintenance or a bad homeowners association. A low share of renter-occupied units is a signal that the community is not well-maintained.

The Bolinas - Stinson Beach city is a popular vacation destination. The majority of residents reside in second homes and visit the city only part time. Many businesses rely on tourist dollars, so they only operate during high season. In addition, the city's population decreases dramatically when the vacation season is over. Even year-round residents will notice a much quieter city during the off-season.