South Sacramento, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for an overview of the city's population, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find some demographic data for the city of South Sacramento. It's a growing city, with more than 102 730 households. Of those households, 59.4% were headed by a single parent. The average family size was 3.37. But how much of a city's population is Latino?

While it is true that most of the residents of South Sacramento live in high-income neighborhoods, there are also neighborhoods with lower income levels. For instance, if you're a single mother, a higher percentage of your income goes to rent. That means you're likely to have to sacrifice some of your quality of life. But that doesn't mean you have to choose a poor neighborhood. There are many things you can do to improve the quality of your life in this area.

One of the most popular things about Sacramento is its rich history. In the 1840s, the city was home to the Central Pacific Railroad Central Shops. This complex employed around 5,000 people and was one of the largest industrial sites west of the Mississippi. The shop complex, located on two-hundred acres, was one of the city's biggest employers until it closed down in 1993. In addition to making railroad cars, virtually every piece of Central Pacific rolling stock was built or serviced in the Central Shops. Later, the company changed its name to Southern Pacific, but the same building still stands.

The City of South Sacramento was first laid out by John Sutter Jr. and Sam Brannan. The two men began laying out the city in December 1848 and named it after the Sacramento River. The area soon included Japantown, a growing community that numbered nearly 4,000 people and included hundreds of Japanese businesses. After WWII, the city became a place of opportunity for the Japanese community in California.