South El Monte, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

South El Monte City is a suburb of Los Angeles County located in Southern California. This city is part of the Los Angeles County Continuum of Care, a regional initiative that provides services to the homeless. It also has a Homeless and Veterans Commission, established in 2003. The commission funds and supports nonprofit organizations that provide housing and services to low-income residents.

The city is primarily a family-oriented community, and housing costs have become increasingly difficult to afford. One study found that 56 percent of homeowner households paid more than 30 percent of their gross income on housing. This percentage increased to 61% for renters. The city also hosted a Service Providers Focus Group in November 2017, which provided input on Fair Housing, including issues related to homelessness.

South El Monte's most common occupation is manufacturing. Other common jobs include health care and social assistance. In the city, approximately seventy-five percent of workers live in low-income households. This is much higher than the state and national average. Similarly, nearly seventy percent of the population is Hispanic or Latino.

The median income in South El Monte City is $54,208. This is slightly lower than the median income of $64,994 in the United States. The city is home to a large population of military veterans.