South Dos Palos, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The South Dos Palos, CA population is composed of a mixture of residents from different ethnic groups. It is comprised largely of Hispanics. The majority of the population is White, although Hispanics comprise a small minority of the population. Foreign-born residents, however, make up an even larger share of the population. The most common countries of origin are China, Philippines, and Mexico.

The median property value in South Dos Palos, CA was $177,000 in 2019, making it 0.736 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate was 61.2%, and most residents commuted alone to work. Residents of South Dos Palos, CA own two cars, with an average commute time of 29 minutes. There are roughly 1.76k people living in the South Dos Palos, CA area. Thirty-five percent of residents were born outside of the country.

The South Dos Palos, CA map is available online. You can use the map buttons to move around and zoom. This map information is provided for reference purposes only. People who live in South Dos Palos should contact the city's city hall if they have questions or concerns. There is a community council in South Dos Palos that can help you find the answers to your questions.

The South Dos Palos, CA ZIP code is 93665. The USPS uses the default name D (DOS PALOS) for this ZIP code. A person can obtain the 9-digit ZIP code by using either the 5-digit or detailed version. This information will help you to determine where you live in South Dos Palos, CA. The ZIP code is used for mailing mail. You can copy the address of a business by entering the 5 or 9-digit ZIP code.