Soulsbyville, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Soulsbyville, CA has a low rate of poverty, compared to the average rate of ten to thirteen percent for cities throughout the United States. With a population of just 2,286 people, it is also quite small, which means that economic conditions can be less favourable than in larger cities. However, the low rate of poverty does not mean that life in Soulsbyville is without its challenges.

The population of Soulsbyville is fairly low in places that are near recreational areas and major airports. Therefore, crime rates are lower if you're looking to live near these areas. However, keep in mind that crime happens wherever people are. In a town such as this, crime rates can still be high, even if the population is relatively low. To find the safety of your neighborhood, you can use the Crime Grade tool.

The median age of residents of Soulsbyville, CA is 36.2 years old. While native-born residents are the most common age group, foreign-born residents are even older, at 38. According to the census, approximately one-third of Soulsbyville, CA residents have health insurance. While the majority of them are on employer-sponsored plans, 10.7% of them are on Medicaid and Medicare. Interestingly, the highest-paying industries are Construction, Transportation & Utilities, and Health Care & Social Assistance.

In Soulsbyville, California, the median home value is $401,543. This is close to the average for similar cities. The median house price in Soulsbyville, CA is also higher than the national median. This is mainly because Soulsbyville has more expensive homes than its counterparts in similar cities. While this isn't the case in most cities in the US, it's still a very affordable area compared to the rest of the country.