Soquel, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Soquel City is a small coastal town in Northern California located sixty miles south of San Francisco. It is a beach town, but it's much more complex than that. The median age of all Soquel residents in 2019 was 41.8, while the average age of all Californians was 40 years old. The most common country of birth for residents of Soquel is Mexico, followed by the Philippines, China, and the United States.

Soquel City is comprised of roughly one thousand residents. This town is mostly white, with just one percent black or Asian residents. While it has a small Hispanic population, the overall percentage of Hispanics is higher than the national average. The median household income is $68,552, and the average household income is $99,930. About 79% of residents graduate from high school.

According to the Census Bureau, there were 4107 housing units in Soquel City in 2017. Of these, 2,800 were owner-occupied, and 1,162 were rented. The homeowner vacancy rate was 1.4%, while the rental vacancy rate was 2.4%. The median age for households in Soquel was 37 years old, and the median income was $44,828. The median household size was 2.47 people and two-fifths of families.

The intersection of Soquel Drive and Mission Street is a highly congested thoroughfare, which is not convenient for many residents. In addition, the intersection between Main Street and Soquel Drive is confusing and poorly signposted. A few stoplights along Soquel Drive are unavoidable, but there's no way to predict which intersections will have the most traffic, and whether they will have a new light or not.