Somis, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out the Population & Steets in Somalis City, Idaho, you can use the data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Census data is available for both Somis and nearby cities. You can view population statistics by census block. If you want to know the racial makeup of a city, you can use this resource to find out how many people live in Somis.

The ZIP code for Somis is 93066. This code includes the city's main thoroughfare and a large area of surrounding agricultural lands. Somis is six miles north of Los Angeles Ave, and eleven miles wide in the east-west direction. Somis was ranked 108th in the United States by Forbes Magazine in 2015.

Somis is an unincorporated city in Ventura County, California. It has a population of 3000. The city consists of one neighborhood, Somis Village, and Somis Heights. Somis is located on the south bank of Fox Barranca, west of Arroyo Las Posas. The United States Census Bureau classifies the city of Somis as a census-designated place.