Sn Luis Obisp, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in knowing the population of Sn Luis Obisp City, California, you may want to read about its median household income and median family income. The city is also considered one of the most environmentally friendly cities in California, with low levels of air pollution. However, it is also important to note that San Luis Obispo County has higher rates of natural disasters than the US average, with twenty one compared to the fifteen recorded by the US.

The city was established in 1772 by a Spanish Franciscan named Junipero Serra, and is the oldest community in California. The name of the original mission was "San Louis of Toulouse," a saint from the 13th century. It is the county seat of San Luis Obispo County and is also adjacent to California Polytechnic State University. The population of the city is 46,716 (or 3,557 people per square mile). There are 51 men for every forty-seven women.

San Luis Obispo is considered a college town, as the city is home to many college students. This population has a significant impact on local culture, entertainment, and lifestyle. The academic calendar dictates much of daily life, and residents spend much of their time outside the classroom after summer break. This leaves plenty of time for play. This city has something to offer for everyone.