Smith River, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most common racial groups living below the poverty line in Smith River, CA are White, Native American, and Black. According to the United States Census Bureau, there are several income levels that determine who is considered poor in Smith River, CA. The median property value is $227,900, and the homeownership rate is 76.6%. Most people in Smith River drive to work alone, with an average commute time of 16.3 minutes. There are around 498 people living in Smith River. The average number of car owners per household is 2 cars.

The Census Bureau reports that Smith River has 363 housing units, at an average density of 91.1 per square mile. The city had 257 households under the age of 18, 55 households aged 18-24, and 134 units for renters. The average age of the population was 34.8 years, with males outnumbering females by 92.0 to 1.

The population in the city was split between upper and lower-class groups. The merchant class had a higher median income, which was reflected in the number of businesses along Market Street. The laborers, on the other hand, were near the bottom of the class structure, and lived on average with 5 people on a single floor of a three-story structure. These people concentrated in the western and northern parts of town.

In Smith River City, there are several opportunities for revitalization. The Main Street block closest to the river is an important area, as it is surrounded by planned businesses and residential areas. Creating a nexus of commercial and residential uses along this street will help the River District improve its image, attract residents, and expand outward opportunities. The future of the community depends on it. And with a revitalized Main Street, Smith River City will continue to grow and prosper.