Smartsville, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know what the population of Smartsville City looks like, you will need to look at some demographic data. While Smartsville, CA has a relatively low poverty rate, the rest of the state is worse off. 14.3% of the California population lives below the poverty line. This state has many statistics on crime, cost of living, and coronavirus. Use these to determine how much poverty your community faces.

Smartville is located in Nevada County and has a thriving real estate market. The city, with its population of 945 in the 2000 census, is located on Highway 20 and offers a variety of housing options, including urban and rural ranchette style parcels. Real estate investment opportunities abound along Highway 20 and in the surrounding Big Oak Valley. This city's real estate market is highly competitive due to the growth of nearby Beale Air Force Base and the burgeoning population of residents.

The town was founded in the 1850s and was a pioneer town for the California Gold Rush. The town had many mining businesses and was a popular place for hydraulic mining. In 1856, James Smart built the James Smart hotel, which still stands today. In 1861, a Catholic church was built in Smartsville and was reconstructed in the same spot in 1870. Today, the old church is being restored and is recognized as a State of California Point of Historical Interest. The entire town is a California Historical Landmark.