Sierra City, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will give you an overview of the population and steets of Sierra City, CA. The data is categorized by occupation and is tagged to residential address. The most common occupation in Sierra City is Health Care & Social Assistance, while the least common is Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting. The unemployment rate is 6.9%, making Sierra City a relatively safe place to live.

The median property value of a home in Sierra City is $354,200, which is approximately 1.4 times higher than the national average. The median home value is $354,200, and the homeownership rate is 100%. The median commute time is 25.5 minutes, and the average car ownership is two. This is a high-income community, with a 71% high school graduation rate. You can use this data to determine the demographics of your targeted audience.

Sierra City, CA has a median household income of $66,066, which is higher than the national average. Despite this, the homeownership rate is higher than the national average, and it is higher than that of neighboring geographies. And, although Sierra City, CA has higher property taxes than the national average, it is relatively affordable compared to other California cities. Its low unemployment rate, compared to the national average, makes Sierra City, CA an attractive place to live.

Sierra City, CA has a 100% US citizenship rate. However, the city has a large population of Vietnamese Veterans. In addition, Sierra City, CA is home to several Vietnamese war veterans. However, this doesn't mean that it's a racially diverse city. So, if you're concerned about ethnic diversity, Sierra City may be the place for you. The majority of people are American citizens, while the minority population is composed of immigrants from other countries.