Shasta Lake, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and steets in Shasta Lake City are important statistics that need to be considered by everyone in the area. These numbers are the best way to gauge the quality of life and potential for growth in this community. Here are the latest statistics on population and steets in Shasta Lake City, CA. You may be surprised to learn that ten percent of the population of Shasta Lake City is unemployed.

The population of Shasta Lake City Center is comprised of residents with diverse languages. English is the primary language spoken in the neighborhood, while Spanish and Italian are also commonly spoken. Ethnic groups also have distinct traditions that are expressed in neighborhoods of a certain ethnicity. Therefore, a community with a high concentration of one or more ethnic groups will have a diversity of cultures. For example, a neighborhood that is overwhelmingly Hispanic may be a place of diversity in terms of language.

A large number of people in Shasta Lake City work in the manufacturing industry. This industry is one of the biggest employers in the area. Many people also own their homes and rent out their apartments. The median home value in Shasta Lake is $249,857, which is lower than 95.2% of neighboring neighborhoods in California and fifty-nine percent of U.S. cities and towns.