Saratoga, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering moving to Saratoga City, New York, you've probably wondered, "What's the population like?" Here are some tips:

Saratoga is a general law city, meaning that its powers and organization are defined by state law. The city's zoning code, which is geared toward maintaining a semi-rural look, forgoes sidewalks and street lights on most residential streets. The housing prices are generally high. Among the town's attractions are the Villa Montalvo, which was built in the late 1800s by renowned viticulturist Paul Masson.

The income levels of Saratoga Springs households differ by race and ethnicity. White households are significantly lower in income than black households, and Asian households earn nearly double the average. Hispanic households earn the least of any group. But there's more to the income of Saratoga Springs residents. The ACS also shows the number of households with different income levels. One in four households in Saratoga Springs is low-income.

In addition, the city is becoming increasingly diverse, with a decreasing percentage of White residents. Saratoga Springs' Asian population grew almost double, from 2.9 percent in 2000 to 5.4 percent in 2010. The percentage of Black/African American residents decreased from 3.11 percent to 2.64 percent. However, Saratoga Springs still has a high proportion of White residents. If you're planning a move to the city, plan ahead.