Santa Rosa Valley, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking about moving to Santa Rosa Valley City, you may want to know more about the town's population. This article contains the population and steets data for the area. The numbers are accurate as of the last census and should be considered a guide for future planning. You may also be curious about other areas of California that are nearby. For instance, you may be interested in seeing the neighboring cities of Santa Rosa.

The air quality in Santa Rosa Valley City is fairly good, thanks to its proximity to large bodies of water, such as the San Pablo Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Temperatures in Santa Rosa Valley City generally range from 84 degrees Fahrenheit in summer to 38 degrees in the winter. The area doesn't experience high levels of ozone pollution, which is formed when air pollutants react with heat from the sun.

In the latest census, there were 164 405 households with 383 people under the age of 18. Of those, 896 households had a married couple of opposite sex, 58 households had a female householder without a husband present, and 23 households were made up of unmarried opposite-sex partners. There were also seven same-sex couples and nine households comprised of individuals. There were also 37 households where an elderly person lived alone. The population of Santa Rosa Valley City was 9,77 people and the average family size was 3.16.

The percentage of renter-occupied housing units is also low, at 6.8%. This is lower than the California average of 33.7%. Other neighboring cities in the area have higher renter-occupied housing units (San Francisco has a 39.7% renter-occupied household), and Hidden Hills and Lake Sherwood have lower percentages than Santa Rosa Valley. You can find out more about the demographics of Santa Rosa Valley by viewing the city's census data.