Santa Cruz, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Santa Cruz City, California, is located in Santa Cruz County. The population is reported in raw head counts and population density per square mile. For more information, visit the About Page. You will also find census information and real estate listings. If you're considering moving to the area, you can get information on population, schools, and real estate costs.

Santa Cruz is known as a college town and it attracts young professionals in search of a career. Singles may be attracted to the area because it's small enough to have fun and make friends with people who share your interests. The city has many interesting areas, including a nautical feel. Waterfront activities and historic buildings are popular in this part of the city. Moreover, there are some excellent public schools in the area.

Santa Cruz has a moderate-sized population of 62,956. It's located on the northern edge of Monterey Bay and is a popular tourist destination. The county and the city provide employment for over 7,600 people. The city is home to the University of California, which employs about half of the city's workforce. Other large employers in Santa Cruz include Plantronics and the County of Santa Cruz.

Homelessness has been a major issue in Santa Cruz, with the county and city both contributing to the crisis. While the city is fighting an ongoing lawsuit over the city's largest homeless camp, officials are making efforts to reduce homelessness.