San Rafael, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering how many people live in San Rafael? You can easily find out by using the California Census Data Comparison Tool. This tool is user-friendly and offers statistics for all California cities and towns. It is based on search queries and positive user reviews. Whether you are buying or selling a house, the demographics of San Rafael will help you make an informed decision. Here is a brief overview of the city.

The housing element of the San Rafael City plan is due for revision. San Rafael City has to update its housing element every eight years. The new element of the plan must include plans for 3,220 residences in the city's limits between 2023 and 2031. At least one-third of these must be affordable to low-income households. In order to achieve this goal, the city's zoning regulations and housing policies must be revised.

The downtown area features an eclectic blend of ethnic and local restaurants. From casual to upscale, there is a dining experience for everyone. Most of the restaurants are located downtown, lined with a swath of tree lighting all year. You'll often see people strolling along 4th Street or window shopping while deciding where to eat. In addition to dining establishments, San Rafael also offers a wide variety of grocery stores, including Whole Foods Market.

While San Rafael is not a large city, it has a large population of educated career starters. The average age of San Rafael City residents was 41.1 in 2019, with the majority of residents being native born. The most common country of origin for foreign-born residents is the Philippines, China, and Mexico. Those with college degrees and post-graduate degrees are likely to feel comfortable in San Rafael. San Rafael City offers many opportunities for romance and friendship.